Professor Dan Adelman (University of Chicago) on How He Uses Dataiku to Teach

Dataiku Company Alivia Smith

Here’s how Dan Adelman, Professor of Operations Management, uses Dataiku for his classes at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Professor Adelman joined the Dataiku Academic Program in 2015 and uses the collaborative data science platform as a tool for teaching, as well as for students to collaborate on group projects.

Dan Adelman

Dan Adelman is an expert in business analytics. He leads the Healthcare Analytics Laboratory at Chicago Booth, in which groups of students work on projects to improve healthcare delivery with the analysis of large datasets. His students have conducted projects on several real-world problems, including hospital readmissions, scheduling, or general population health. 


We have two use cases with Dataiku in our program: I use it for my project class as well as my lecture class.

"The collaborative aspects of Dataiku are Most Important"

In the project class, our students work on four projects in groups of typically six team members during an academic quarter. For this use case, the collaborative aspects of Dataiku are most important because team members have a diversity of technical backgrounds. We usually have groups where two students hack code in R and four that aren’t into coding. So Dataiku enables students that aren’t hackers to contribute to the data analysis project. It allows them to all work on the project simultaneously, coders as well as clickers. And with charts and insights, they can do quick and dirty data visualisation as well. That’s a great value proposition.

I also teach a lecture class. I try to make this more hands-on, and Dataiku is great for that. I can walk the students through a project step by step, and they can follow along on their computers as well. We are careful to set the software up for this with our IT team to have no latency issues.

Chicago Booth Business School

Chicago Booth Business School entrance hall

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