3 Fundamental Habits of AI High Achievers

Scaling AI Lynn Heidmann

In June 2023, Dataiku and Databricks surveyed 400 senior AI professionals in large companies around the world. One of the questions we set out to answer was — what makes AI high achievers (we call them "AI Pioneers") stand out from the rest? What are they doing differently to successfully democratize data and AI efforts? To be able to move and pivot quickly — including, for example, adopting Generative AI techniques and experimenting out of the gate? Do they have different levels of trust and are they succeeding in finding the balance between governance and democratization?

→ Read Now: AI, Today: A Survey Report of 400 Senior AI Professionals

This blog post answers these questions, uncovering three of the things we found AI Pioneers do differently. Our survey revealed that these respondents have executive buy-in, are investing in the right infrastructure and tools in order to accelerate time to value, and are open to tackling more use cases and experimenting with techniques.

GM3364-DAC Data Leaders Survey Infographic


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