How Content Personalization is Driving the AI Disruption in Media

Scaling AI Nancy Koleva

In a world of increasingly digital and personalized experiences, consumers are embracing the ever-expanding opportunities to enjoy media and entertainment products uniquely tailored to their own preferences, contexts and schedules.

The New Media Landscape: It’s Only Going to Get More Personal...

From traditional outlets, to digital media and online streaming services, to an ever-growing number of connected devices, media consumers are presented with a constant proliferation of channels and platforms. Experts have coined the term “ATAWAD” (no, this is not another Game of Thrones character you forgot about), which stands for “Any Time, Anywhere, Any Device” to describe the way content is consumed in this new playing field. More and more, consumers increasingly exert control not only over how and when they experience media, but also, over the content itself.

But as content consumption behaviors are becoming increasingly complex and evolving more rapidly than ever, media and entertainment companies are facing increasingly competitive and uncertain markets, which are driving the need to reduce operating costs and simultaneously generate more revenue from delivering content.

it's personal gif

Data Science and AI are a Clear Win for Media and Entertainment

In this new playing field, companies are tailoring their offerings and business models to revolve around personal preferences, leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI, in order to pitch their products not at audiences of billions, but at billions of individuals.

AI solutions are a clear win for media and entertainment organizations who wish to optimize and deliver a next-level experience: an ability to understand their customers on granular level, deliver powerful, personalized content, user experience and storytelling, attract, retain and empower data talent, and create a new, sustainable business model.

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