Dataiku Series C: New Year, New Chapter

Dataiku Company Lynn Heidmann

Democratizing data science is something Dataiku - both as a company and a product - has been working toward since its founding in 2013. So it’s with great pleasure that we announce today the amplification of our vision into 2019 backed by a $101 million Series C funding round led by ICONIQ Capital.

series C round dataiku

Of course, given this round of funding - which is also supported by Alven Capital, Battery Ventures, Dawn Capital, and FirstMark Capital - we will continue to push innovative product features and partnerships as well as support initiatives for wider data education and use, such as the academic and non-profit program, EGG conferences, meetups, and more.

see what's in store: dataiku series c

But we also have a few new topics on our mind for the new year.

Interpretability, Trust, and Ethics

As today’s discussions surrounding AI shift, Dataiku will (through its product offering and initiatives) will start to focus more on awareness and action surrounding topics like diversity and trust in the field, which are increasingly points of contention and oversight that need to be addressed.

“With Machine learning and AI gaining momentum in the enterprise and democratization becoming the de-facto path forward, AI governance and trust in systems has become more critical than ever. We believe that global education on AI and intelligent tooling are both key to create trust in AI systems.

The responsible transition to AI will require education beyond technology, and the platforms used to build AI must be more transparent and self-correcting in terms of the bias they can create. We're looking forward to not only being part of this discussion on trust in AI, but also being part of the solution."

Florian Douetteau, Dataiku CEO

Growing the Dataiku Team

With this latest funding round, we plan to double our current staff of 200 among our headquarters in New York City and offices in Paris and London as well as new offices in Sydney and Singapore. As Dataiku continues to grow past 200 customers around the world, we want to keep the same connection and level of service with our users.

_ENN3039_3 (A small part of) the Dataiku team - this could be you!

That being said, we’re always looking for great people to join us who share the Dataiku vision and ambition. If that sounds like you, check out the careers page and get in touch (by the way - Dataiku was named by Forbes among the “Best Big Data Companies And CEOs To Work For In 2018.”)

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