Dataiku's Commitment to Measuring and Offsetting Our Environmental Impact

Dataiku Company Emilie Stojanowski

Dataiku is a fast-growing company supported by a rapidly developing global workforce. We understand that such growth does not come free of environmental footprint. This is why we are actively committed to measuring, controlling, and offsetting our environmental impact in an ambition to strike the right balance between growth and mitigating contributions to climate change.

In this blog post, we will share a summary of the results from Dataiku’s first annual environmental footprint measurement exercise, the actions taken, and our plans looking forward. For a more detailed overview, check out the newly released Dataiku Environmental Report 2019.

Carbon Footprint Overview & Offsetting Strategies

Delivering on Dataiku’s strong global development ambitions notably triggers a higher proportion of professional travels driven by sales development needs worldwide, enablement of new team members (+150% over 2019), and creation of new offices. Thus, as you can see in the graph below, airline travel represents the biggest proportion of Dataiku’s CO2 emissions:


split of Dataiku's CO2 emissions per driver

While striving to manage its footprint, Dataiku’s current development trajectory triggers a surge in absolute CO2 emissions year on year. To offset this impact, all measured CO2 emissions are compensated through a selection of projects run by two recognized organizations -- Reforest’Action and Arbre-Evolution, in proportion to local emissions.

Environmental Best Practices, Today and Tomorrow

Dataiku’s growth is already supported by a number of environmental best practices aiming at reducing its environmental footprint, including: 

  • Selection of office premises meeting advanced environmental certifications requirements: Dataiku’s development pace has triggered several moves over the course of 2019. Reviewing environmental efficiency of chosen offices based on most advanced local certification is a key selection driver.
  • Office and goods suppliers: Dataiku is committed to selecting local suppliers based on strong social and environmental criteria, notably through the selection of eco-friendly suppliers for all brand merchandise and the use of local, organic caterers in most offices. 
  • Waste limitation and management policy: Dataiku supports limitation of daily waste production through several initiatives, including a strong waste management and recycling policy, no paper policy, and digital strategy for marketing documents, etc.
  • Green commuting: Public transportation and bike incentive programs are developed both through partial reimbursement and provision of dedicated bike parking spaces.
  • Facilitating remote work: All staff members and offices are equipped with suitable devices to ease remote working, notably thanks to ad-anced video conference equipment and full cloud strategy.
  • Green initiatives are organized by a voluntary group of committed Dataiku staff members, which work on different projects such as calculating our carbon footprint -- this was the very initiative that led to the creation of Dataiku’s first annual environmental report. 
  • Dataiku invests over 1% of our annual revenue in, our AI for Good initiative. This program aims at supporting non-profits, such as The Ocean Cleanup, with AI tools and skills by offering free usage of our Dataiku software as well as data science resources. 

As for most companies, the recent global health crisis has triggered a sharp shift to new ways of working - both internally and with cus-tomers, moving to full online marketing and engagements. While resumed usage of offices, clients events, and professional travels will be part of the “new normal,” Dataiku is committed to taking this opportunity to reinforce the management of its environmental footprint and reduce its average CO2 emissions per staff member in 2020 and beyond. This will largely rely on a reviewed approach to professional travels, shift to green energy as well as to continuous reinforcement of daily, local actions, which while having lesser impacts, will play a key role in supporting accelerated transition to greener ways of living. 

Additionally, we have reinforced our commitment through the cosigning of the France TechForGood consortium alongside McKinsey, HPE, Engie (among others) and the French government, vowing to reduce our global environmental impact and lead transformative change through the use of technology for social good. 

We are engaged in sustainably transforming ways of working to root Dataiku’s growth in strong environmental consciousness both in alignment with our values and to support our clients on this front as they strive to perform their AI transformation journey in a sustainable, responsible manner.

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